LedX Learning

by LedX Legal Learning Edutech Pvt Ltd.



Ledx platform is an output of research and consultation conducted by Think-Tanks and pioneers of legal education aiming to impart legal education in every nook and corner of the country, regardless of geography, Institutional affiliations or professional obligations; an opportunity to become certified experts in the disciple of law, trained by experts of the legal fraternity and enhancing your educational and professional qualifications.Here is DNA Mantra of LedX where we believe to provide all theoretical as well as Practical learnings so every learners may gain immense earning apart from the knowledge.1. Learning Learn all the niche courses and all the content at one single platform and most importantly learn directly from Ledxperts.2. Upskilling Apart from Theoretical knowledge, LedX provides all those niche courses and some practical experience directly from Law Firms Xperts to upskill.3.Reskilling LedX provides Concept clarity by interactive learning and upskill with meeting with application of Law and with assignments reskill their knowledge.